The FMF Company was established in 1995. The main program is to create new designs of the crystal ware, glassware and porcelain and at the same time processing the graphics, packing and advertising materials.
The FMF Company is ranked among the significant producer and distributor of decorated crystal in Czech Republic. It is solely Czech company, whose sole owner is designer Mr. Martin Fait.
In the meantime the company manage wide assortment of the crystal ware and porcelain. And it is increasing the turnover and portfolio of the products each year with a new models and collections, those are exported to at least 20 countries of the world.
The main assortment contains wide scale of products from the lead oxide crystal, crystalline, handmade and machine pressed gift items such as vases, bowls, plates, candlesticks and many others.
The main designer is Mr. Martin Fait.
Since 1986, after graduation from the school of Art he works in the field of design in the companies Bohemia Podebrady, Crystalex Novy Bor, Bohemia Jihlava, Bohemia Crystalex Trading and Crystalite Bohemia in Svetla nad Sazavou, where in the years of 2008 – 2014 worked also as a general manager.
For the mentioned glassworks he created hundreds of new designs and he was present on a lot of world exhibitions. One of the most famous collections is QUADRO, which is being produced and sold since 2004 in a millions of units. Other famous collections are Magma, Yoko, Okinawa, Florale, Neptune and many others. From the famous drinkware sets we can mention Alexandra, Barbara, Ellen, Gourmet, Windsor, Elizabeth and a lot more, which are produced in millions of pieces each year.
Since from 2014 the company runs own variety of collections and products, except the designs created for the other glassworks. Those collections are produced by the glassworks exclusively for company FMF and distributed to whole world. The collections are modern and timeless and achieve a big success and creative level. The items are produced on the most modern technologies. The company also cooperates on the joint projects with other significant producers and distributors of the Czech glass industry such as Aurum-Crystal s.r.o., Royal Crystal s.r.o. and others.
Wide assortment of the high quality products, with a top and timeless design, demanded by the clients around the world.